Tragic Lightning Strike Claims Lives of Siblings in Raththota Area
In an incident on the evening of April 29, a family in the Raththota Welgalayaya area was struck by tragedy as lightning claimed the lives of two of their own. The victims, a twelve-year-old girl and her twenty-three-year-old brother, succumbed to the sudden and unexpected strike.
Tragedy struck a home in Raththota on the evening of April 29, as lightning claimed the lives of two siblings. The victims, a twelve-year-old girl and her twenty-three-year-old brother, residents of Ratthota Welgalayaya, lost their lives in the lightning accident.
The siblings, both from the same family, were pronounced deceased, and their bodies are currently held at Ratthota Hospital. Ratthota Police are conducting investigations into the incident.
The Department of Meteorology – Sri Lanka had previously issued alerts regarding April lightning, known as “Bakmaha Akunu,” urging the public to take precautions during thundershowers to minimize potential damage caused by strong winds and lightning strikes.
