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Sri Lanka’s Test Positivity Rate and Daily Caseload increasing again

According to Institute for Health Policy IHP data, Sri Lanka’s “Test Positivity Rate” is increasing again. Test positivity (using PCR tests) shows as 14.2% while seven day average shows as 12.4%. In July first week the rate was about 10%.

According to Epidemiology Unit data, 1721 new COVID-19 cases were reported July 22. Among the cases confirmed today, 1714 are from the New Year cluster and 7 are foreign arrivals currently in quarantine. Sri Lanka recorded less than 1600 daily cases since July 2nd, Today caseload is the highest after July 2nd.

Chart – Institute for Health Policy IHP

Weekly PCR Tests count shows as about 12,000. According to the Epidemiology Unit report, 22,646 active infected patients are being treated at hospitals.

Sri Lanka Medical Association SLMA warns Sri Lanka will experience the fourth wave as more Delta variant cases detecting.

Sri Lanka's Test Positivity Rate is Increasing again
Chart – Institute for Health Policy IHP / Sri Lanka’s Test Positivity Rate is Increasing again


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