Sri Lanka suspends non-essential & non-urgent surgeries at hospitals
Health Ministry says that a decision has taken to postpone non-essential & non-urgent surgeries at Government hospitals. However, essential & urgent surgeries will be performed as usual reports Adaderana.
Due to lack of foreign exchange, Sri Lanka government is unable to import essentials drugs and medicines.
“Surgeries that are not urgent will be delayed solely based on the advice of specialist doctors” Health Minister (NewsFirst)
Earlier, Minister of Health Keheliya Rambukwella said that the issues that have arisen in the country due to the shortage of drugs will be resolved in the first quarter of this year.
Meanwhile, Government Medical Officers’ Association (GMOA) warns that they will file a complaint with the Sri Lankan office of the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the current drug shortage that the country is facing as a result of the negligence of the authorities.