Several services declared as Essential Services
President issued an extra ordinary gazette notification declaring supply of electricity, all service, work or labour, of any description whatsoever, necessary or required to be done in connection with the maintenance, and the reception, care feeding, and treatment, of patients in hospitals, nursing homes, dispensaries, and other similar institution as Essential Services.
By virtue of the powers vested in me in terms of Section 2 of the Essential Public Services Act, No. 61 of 1979, President Gotabaya
Rajapaksa has declared services provided by any Public Corporation or Government Department or Local Authority or Co-operative Society or any branch thereof being a Department or Corporation or Local Authority or Co-operative Society, which is engaged in provision of the services specified in the Schedule hereto, is essential to the life of the community and is likely to be impeded or
interrupted, declare the services specified in the Schedule hereto to be an essential public service for the purposes of the
aforesaid Section.