Members of Parliament (MPs), former ministers, ex-parliamentarians and politicians from various political parties have today (15) pledged their support to President Ranil Wickremesinghe in the upcoming presidential election.

Accordingly, SJB Anuradhapura District MP Ishak Rahuman, representing Rishad Bathiudeen’s All Ceylon Makkal Congress (ACMC), Puttalam District MP Ali Sabri Raheem and Digamadulla District MP Attorney-at-Law S.M.M. Muszhaaraff convened a special press conference, a short while ago.

During the press briefing, the three Muslim parliamentarians pledged to extend their support for the victory of President Wickremesinghe in the 2024 presidential election.

Meanwhile MPs from various parties, including SLPP Monaragala District MP Dr. Gayashan Nawananda, M. Velu Kumar of the SJB, former MP and former State Minister Sriyani Wijewickrama from the Digamadulla District (SLFP), former MP Gunasekaran Shankar and United People’s Party leader Dr. Sirimasiri Hapuarachchi, have also met with President Ranil Wickremesinghe and expressed their support to him at the upcoming election.