School facilities improved by SL Navy bestowed on children of Roman Catholic College Mandaitivu Island Jaffna
Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Nishantha Ulugetenne August 01st 2021 declared open several school facilities, expanded by Sri Lanka Navy with its funds and manpower, at the Roman Catholic College on Mandaitivu Island, Jaffna. Among the recently-developed facilities were; a new two-storeyed building and a renovated classroom building.
Coinciding with the 70th anniversary of the Sri Lanka Navy, this Naval Social Responsibility (NSR) Project was launched on 19th April 2021 on a concept of the Commander of the Navy. The prime motive of the project was to usher new hope for school children studying at schools with less facilities, in each Naval Command.

Commander of the Navy, on April 03rd, made a visit to inspect Roman Catholic College on remote Mandaitivu Island, Jaffna, which has been selected for development by the Northern Naval Command. During this visit, the Principal of the school brought forward the necessity of having a new two storeyed building for a computer laboratory and a library as well as the need of repairs to the classrooms. Fulfilling these long-felt needs in a short period of time, the facilities were made available for the use of school children today under the patronage of Commander of the Navy. In addition, the Navy also provided 10 computers and each number of computer tables and chairs for the computer laboratory as well as sports equipment for the school. Similarly, the Navy Seva Vanitha Unit also provided school supplies for group of children of the school on this occasion.
Upon his arrival, Commander of the Navy was welcomed by the Priest of Catholic Church located on Mandaitivu Island flanked by the Principal of the college, teachers and students. Speaking on the occasion, Commander of the Navy said that this school facility development project in line with the Navy’s 70th anniversary, is a significant investment by the Navy, on behalf of the children studying with fewer facilities in remote areas. Highlighting the generosity of the naval family in contributing to the progress of this magnanimous deed, Commander of the Navy also voiced how the project is going on in every Naval Command, utilizing skilled labour and industrial expertise of the Navy, to complete this project expeditiously and hand it over for the benefit of the students.
Further, in appreciation of this great project, the school children, parents and staff members of the school expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the Commander of the Navy and the entire Navy for fulfilling some of their long-felt needs at school.
The event was held adhering to COVID-19 protocols in force for the prevention of the spread of the pandemic. Bishop of Jaffna, Rt.Rev, Dr Justin Gnanapragasam, Priest of Catholic Church in Mandaitivu Island, Commander Northern Naval Area, Rear Admiral Priyantha Perera, Secretary to the Provincial Education, Youth, Sports and Cultural Affairs, Zonal Director Islands of Ministry of Education, Naval Assistant to Commander of the Navy and Supervising Officer of Navy School Development Project, Commodore Sujeeva Senaviratne, Deputy Area Commander Northern Naval Area, Commodore JP Premaratne Naval Officer in Charge (Island) and Commanding Officer Sri Lanka Naval Ship (SLNS) Welusumana, Commodore Hensly Peiris, Principal, staff and a limited number of the school children as well as a small group of naval personnel were present on this occasion.
In his itinerary, Commander of the Navy also paid his homage to the Nagadeepa Purana Rajamaha Viharaya and received the blessings of Chief Incumbent of the temple and Chief Sanghanayake for Northern Province, Most Ven. Nawadagala Padumakitti Tissa Thero. Further, Vice Admiral Ulugetenne took time off to inspect the construction work being carried out by the Navy at the temple and Nainativu Regional Hospital.