Road Traffic Accidents Increasing Again In Sri Lanka. 9 deaths last 24-hour
During last 24 hour (October 26) 9 deaths have been reported due to road traffic accidents in Sri Lanka. Most of victims were pedestrians, cyclists, motorcycle riders & pillion riders. 2 motorcycle riders & pillion riders were among deaths. Also 4 pedestrians died due to road accidents last 24-hour.
The police spokesman said it is possible to save those lives and requested the motorists to drive in strict accordance with the rules of the road and to drive carefully and attentively on the road.
According to Sri Lanka Police statistics about seven to eight people die each day due to accidents. The total number of vehicles registered in the country recorded as 8.3 million and out that 60% listed as Motorcycles. In 2017 Sri Lanka’s motor vehicle population was 7.2 million. So far this year over 1300 persons died due to road traffic accidents.
Increase in Road Traffic Accidents in Sri Lanka.
* A road accident in Sri Lanka every 10 minutes.
* Daily 8 Persons killed in Road Accidents.
* Every 3 days, Child dies of Road Accidents.
* Every 5 days, Person dies on Pedestrian Crossing.