Release of O/L Exam Results Delay due to not conduct practical exam in aesthetic subjects
The release of the results of the 622,000 students who sat for the GCE Ordinary Level Examination in 2020 has been delayed due to the inability to conduct practical examinations in aesthetic subjects in a timely manner.
Release of O/L exam results further delayed due to not conduct practical exam in aesthetic subjects. The practical exams will be held from August 28 to September 08. 2020 O/L Exam results release will be delayed due to current pandemic situation and not conducting practical exams. Sri Lanka Examinations Commissioner General Sanath Pujitha told to LankaXpress news that exact results releasing date cannot be predict with this prevailing situation.
“So far practical exams not done, Works related to releasing O/L results going on, but we cannot say exact dates as things change with pandemic situation. if things were normal we could have released results in June month” he told to LankaXpress.
With the 3rd COVID wave in Sri Lanka which started mid April, Sri Lanka restricted government offices’ staff, imposed lock-downs, introduced Work From Home WFH and imposed month-long travel restrictions. Those development impact to the O/L exam results releasing.