Paddy cultivation only on paddy lands, other crops on other lands: Amaraweera

In the future, paddy should be cultivated only on paddy lands where more yield can be obtained and additional crops such as maize should be grown on other lands, Agriculture Minister Mahinda Amaraweera said.

While addressing a meeting, he said all necessary facilities will be provided to the farmers and it has been confirmed that there will be a good harvest in this Yala season.

“Based on observations, it has been confirmed that there will be a surplus of 300,000 metric tons of rice in Sri Lanka after the next Maha season. A cropping plan has been prepared to achieve a good paddy harvest in the next Maha season as well,” the minister said.

“The monthly requirement of rice in this country is 200,000 metric tons. The annual requirement for rice is 2.4 million metric tons. It will be possible to prepare 2.7 million metric tons of rice from this year’s Yala season and next Maha season’s paddy harvest. Accordingly, if there is an excess of 300,000 metric tons of rice, the Ministry has prepared plans on the steps to be taken for that rice,” the Minister said.

If the price of rice goes down, the farmers’ income may be reduced. Therefore, the Minister mentioned that the Agriculture Department has been advised to focus on exporting surplus stocks of rice or cultivating varieties of rice that can be exported.

source daily mirror

Treasury issues circular on paddy purchasing
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