New labour laws propose abolishing 8-hour working day to please IMF: NPP
The government is planning to abolish the rights of the working people through the proposed new labour laws in a move to fulfill IMF conditions, NPP MP Vijitha Herath said.
He told a news conference that through this new law the government has proposed to abolish thirteen Acts which have ensured the rights of the working people so far.
“The duty of the government is to ensure the rights of the working people during an economic crisis like this. However, the government has burdened the people through the Domestic Debt Restructuring, the ‘Aswesuma’ welfare scheme and now through new labour laws,” he said.
The MP said the new labour laws propose to abolish the 8-hour work day and introduce a 12-hour work day instead, and added that it could be extended to 16 hours on the consent of the employee.
“The 8-hour work week is a right achieved after a global struggle sacrificing so many lives. Abolishing it is a huge blow to the working people,” he said.
The MP said 13 Acts including the Shop and Office Employees Act, Wages Boards Ordinance etc. have been proposed to be abolished in the new laws and added that these Acts had ensured the rights of the working women and the labour force.
“The Shop and Office Employees Act ensured the rights of working women, specially when working at night. The employer is bound to provide transport to women if they work after 8 pm and the consent of the female employee is needed to employ them for night duties,” he said.
He urged the government to withdraw the proposed Bill and ensure the rights of the working people.
source daily mirror