MV Express Pearl Ship is sinking due to water leak. SL Navy tow the ship to deeper seas. Possible oil leak ? -MEPA warns
Update – Sri Lanka Navy and MEPA say burnt MV Express Pearl vessel is sinking due to a water leak in rear side.
- Towing of damaged MV X-Press Pearl halted as part of the ship’s bottom strikes seabed.
- No leakage of fuel from vessel observed so far.
- Emergency preventing measures to be taken in case of an oil leak.
- Vessels fishing in around the area and high seas are informed to be vigilant.
Marine Environment Protection Authority Sri Lanka (MEPA) says vessel MV Express Pearl is sinking due to a water leak in rear side of the vessel. Department of Fisheries has suspended vessels entering from the Negombo Lagoon and fishing from Panadura to Negombo as the salvage company involved in #XPressPearl has indicated that the vessel is sinking at the current position. Emergency preventing measures are taken to protect the lagoon and surrounding areas to contain the damage form any debris or in case of an oil leak. Vessels fishing in around the area and high seas are also informed of possible debris and to be vigilant.
Meanwhile Sri Lanka Navy team boards the MV X-Press Pearl with the salvor team to assist in towing the ship to deeper seas -SL Navy Spokesman.
MEPA further says MV X Press pearl has lost its stability at the rear due to a water leak in the back of the ship, which could lead to a sudden oil spill, which is expected to extend from the Dikowita area to the Kapungoda area in Negombo.