Ministerial Sub Committee report on teacher-principal salary issue submitted to Ministry of Finance
It is expected that the ongoing Teacher-Principal strike action will be end as Ministerial Sub Committee report on teacher-principal salary issue will be presented to the Cabinet this Monday.
The Ministerial Sub-Committee discussed the matter on the basis that all the requests made by the teachers and principals were justified. President as well as the Ministerial subcommittee also agrees with the teachers and principals salary issue. It is also the responsibility of the government to facilitate teachers and principals to educate our children in a positive manner.
The Minister Mahindananda Amaraweera says that the intention of the government is to do justice to the teachers and principals taking into consideration the current economic situation prevailing in the country in resolving the issue of teachers’ salaries issue.
The trade union action which was launched by several teachers – principals union continued for the 40th consecutive day. Unions say they will continue the trade union action until their demands are met. Due to the strike, online teaching and academic activities in most of schools were badly hampered.
The report of the Ministerial Sub Committee on Teacher-Principal Salaries issue was handed over to the Ministry of Finance. The report of the committee will be presented to the Cabinet August 23 on the recommendations of the Ministry of Finance and the Treasury, the Environment Minister said.
Teacher salary anomalies issue was discussed with all teachers ‘and principals’ unions last week and they submitted a number of positive proposals. Said Minister of Environment Mahinda Amaraweera as a member of the Ministers subcommittee appointed by the President. He stated that all information was obtained from the Ministry of Education and that a held many lengthy discussions was carried out in this regard during the last week.
The report of the Ministerial Subcommittee prepared on the basis of all this information has been handed over to the Ministry of Finance and the report will be presented to the Cabinet August 23 with the recommendations of the Ministry of Finance, the Minister said.