JICA Sri Lanka Launches Disaster Risk Reduction Movie

A launching ceremony of the movie on “Disaster Risk Reduction” produced by JICA Sri Lanka was held on 11 March 2022 at the “Nila Medura” Narahenpita with the patronage of Hon. Minister Chamal Rajapaksa, Minister of Home Affairs and Mr N H N Chithrananda, the Secretary of the Ministry and Mr Pradeep Yasaratne, District Secretary of Colombo.  Further, all heads of the government institutions related to disaster management and divisional secretaries of Colombo district participated in the event.   The movie highlights the several past and present JICA’s cooperation in Sri Lanka related to disaster management and disaster risk reduction. 

Mr. Yamada Tetsuya, Chief Representative of JICA Sri Lanka Office was speaking at the ceremony highlighted that the 11 March was “the day to remember the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 that killed over 15 thousand people and, taking counter measures to reduce/mitigate the disaster is very important for the world to become a safe and peaceful place for all the people, where everyone respects and cares each other”.

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