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Grade six enrollment via Grade Five Scholarship goes online: Ministry

The details of students who have passed the Grade Five Scholarship Exams and the schools they have been admitted to in Grade six could be viewed via the website of the Education Ministry from yesterday (23), the Ministry said.

Accordingly, the Ministry requested parents to log on to to find out the details of the 2022 scholarship program and other details pertaining to the new school admissions.

The Ministry said that a valid examination index number should be entered to access the details. This includes student details, current school details, selected school details, and details of the requested school list.

These details can then be downloaded. 

However, in the future, the online facility will be available for students who have not received a school or who want to change the school they have received due to other reasons or to submit appeals.

Those students who qualified on the basis of the Grade Five Scholarship cutoff marks, but did not get admission to proper schools can lodge appeals via the web portal, the Ministry said.

It said that from May 1, all appeals must be submitted to the Education Ministry via the online program.
Appeals and applications delivered or forwarded on paper will be rejected, the Ministry said.

source daily mirror

Education Ministry News Sri Lanka