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Government to import Nitrogen extracts and Potassium under recommendations to be used as fertilizer for Maha Season

Gazette notification issued for importing of Nitrogen extracts & Potassium under recommendation of Agriculture Department & Fertilizer Secretariat to be used as fertilizer for the Maha Season says Import & Export Control Department, reports Adaderana.

Meanwhile Parliamentarian Dr. Harsha De Silva tweeted and questioned whether Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa has reversed the decision to ban imports of Chemical Fertilizer.

Over the past few weeks, farmers are protesting across Sri Lanka demanding fertilizer. Recently, Sri Lanka bans the use and import of chemical fertilizers promote the use of organic fertilizers. Sri Lanka President Gotabaya Rajapaksa stressed that he will take up the challenge of making Sri Lanka the first country in the world to eliminate the use of chemical fertilizers, without taking a step back on the decision to end the use of chemical fertilizers in the country.
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