Five sluice gates opened in Senanayake Samudraya

Five sluice gates opened in Senanayake Samudraya

Five sluice gates of the Senanayake Samudraya have been opened following heavy rainfall.

Accordingly, it has been decided to open 5 sluice gates by 6 inches each, and to increase the openings to 12 inches after one hour.

Therefore, people living in low-lying areas around Senanayake Samudraya are requested to be vigilant in this regard. 

Meanwhile, the Irrigation Department has issued a flood warning for several low-lying areas of Mahaweli River Basins, effective until 7.30 a.m. on January 21, 2025.

It states that considerable rainfall has occurred in some Mahaweli catchment areas as of today (19).

By analyzing the current rainfall situation and river water levels of Mahaweli River Basins, it is warned that there is a possibility of a flood situation in low-lying areas around  Mahaweli River situated in  Dimbulagala, Echchilampattai,  Hingurakgoda,  Kantalai,  Kinniya, Koralai Pattu  North, Lankapura, Medirigiriya, Muttur, Seruvila, Thamankaduwa, Thampalakamam and Welikanda D/S Divisions.   

Accordingly, residents in those areas and motorists driving through those areas are requested to pay attention in this regard.

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