Grant Opportunity – Disarming Disinformation’s Training of Trainers
International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) will train individuals who are passionate about stopping the spread of disinformation and empowering others to do the same. Selected individuals will serve as trainers, conducting workshops and events for their communities, equipping more people to spot and push back against false information. The trainers will receive a grant to conduct the workshops.
While Disarming Disinformation is a global program, this year, this track will be focused in Africa, Asia, Europe and Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
In each of these regions, ICFJ will choose five applicants and will provide them in-person training (location to be decided), and USD 2,000 to develop and run their own trainings, with assistance from MediaWise and our respective local partner (Africa Check, FactCrescendo, Fatabyyano and Media Development Fund). They expect the grantees to train at least 60 people from November 2023 until June 2024.
Apply – link.
Applications will be open until August 4, 2023 (3h59 GMT).
Fact Crescendo, a renowned fact-checking organization in Asia, has recently made an exciting announcement regarding its partnership with the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) as the local partner for the Disarming Disinformation project in Asia. This collaboration represents a significant stride in the ongoing battle against misinformation and the promotion of media literacy throughout the region.
Apply – link.