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New Registration for Aswesuma Benefits Program Commences on 2024 January

Update – Calling applications for the year 2024 will begin at the end of January or the beginning of February month, says Finance State Minister Shehan Semasinghe. Welfare Benefits Board –

Minister Semasinghe says that applications will be called for the second phase of the “Aswesuma” welfare benefits programme will commence in January 2024. The State Minister pointed out that the government is ready to carry out a comprehensive review of the welfare benefit scheme’s first phase, before the second phase is launched. The issues that emerged during the implementation of the first phase and also the suggestions presented by various parties will be considered during this review, Semasinghe said.

The government of Sri Lanka is set to open registrations for the highly anticipated Aswesuma Benefits Program on August 1st. This annual enrollment opportunity welcomes both non-registrants and new entrants who are eligible to receive benefits under the scheme.

This year, the program witnessed a significant number of appeals and objections, indicating its growing popularity and importance in providing essential support to eligible citizens.

Additionally, around 650,000 appeals came from current beneficiaries who have requested an increase in their allowances. The government is diligently evaluating these appeals and objections, leading to a delay in announcing the exact date for the first Aswesuma payment. However, it is expected that the payment will most likely be made in the upcoming month of August.

The Aswesuma Beneficiary Scheme is a significant initiative by the government, with an estimated annual expenditure of Rs. 206 billion. The program aims to provide relief to approximately 20 lakhs families, surpassing the number of 16.8 lakhs Samurdhi beneficiary families. Furthermore, more than 5 lakh families will receive additional support, including disabled, kidney disease, and elderly allowances.

A total of 1,280,747 Samurdhi families have already applied for Aswesuma benefits, out of which 70% (887,653) have been deemed eligible. Moreover, 1.1 million new families have been identified as suitable candidates for the program, and the registration process is still ongoing. As of now, 990,000 appeals and 70,000 objections have been received.(


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