A/L Exam Results Release May 4
Update – (Sri Lanka “LankaXpress” May 3rd) – Much awaited 2020 A/L exam results release today May 4th, a source close to Examination Department told to LankaXpress. Results will be released today at anytime before night. Result release was earlier scheduled to release before April 30 but due to Z-score calculation double check process it was delayed by a week. According to the official, results preparations are almost done and it will be release today. The results will release to examination department official www.doenets.lk website. More details via LankaXpress website.
Social Media posts and WhatsApp message forwards claim “2020 A/L results out tomorrow (April 8)” are completely false and Fake says FactCheck website FactCrescendo- Sri Lanka. Publishing a Facebook post they have confirmed that A/L Exam results will NOT be released on April 8. Sri Lanka Minister of Education, Prof. G. L. Peiris says that 2020 Advanced Level Examination A/L Exam Results will be released April end (after April Avurudu season). Examination Department officials have not so far announced the exact releasing dates. Based on the 2020 A/L examination results, steps will be taken to admit students into universities by 2021 September Minister further said.
Meanwhile 2021 A/L Exam will be held as usual in August month. The exam dates and the relevant timetable has not been released so far. The time table will release to examination department official www.doenets.lk website.
Secretary to the Ministry of Education Prof Kapila Perera stated that the A/L examination for the year 2021 has been scheduled for August but said that they have not reached a final decision. “We hope to get feedback from teachers covering all schools by April 9th how far the A/L syllabus has been completed. After evaluating those factors, we will take a final decision on the 2021 A/L examination,”.
When 2021 A/L Exam begins and What happen to A/L Students ?
• Hold the exam on 2021 August month?
• Hold the exam with covered syllabus on August ?
• Postpone the exam date ?
Sri Lanka Education Ministry says that NO decision has been taken to postpone the GCE Advanced Level Examination (GCE A/L Exam 2021). Exam will be held in August as usual. Ministry rejecting the false claims made on social media.
University Entrance process will be as follows.
- A/L Results release
- University Hand Book release
- Buy University handbook & read it carefully
- Online Registration & Send print out via post to UGC
- Based on students’ desired course students have to apply for Aptitude tests after publishing on national newspapers.
- Sit for Aptitude Tests depend on their selected courses. Then aptitude test results will released by relevant universities.
- Re-scrutinized / Re- correction A/Level results release.
- Z score cut off marks will be release
- University Registration via online
- Students will receive selected Course & University
Higher education Ministry sources says that the students who qualified for the 2020/2021 University Academic year based on 2020 A/L results will be admitted before the end of 2021. 2020 A/L Exam was delayed and was held on October month due to coronavirs pandemic in the country. Results of the G. C. E. Advanced Level Examination for the year 2020 will be released in 2021 April.